NYC QAIA response to NYC Council Speaker Corey Johnson's statement on Israel's Independence Day

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FAQ for trolls

QAIA’s facebook page has been heavily trolled lately. The comments display an exhausting mix of misinformation and straight-up racism. Our work is on anticolonialism, not on educating trolls. So rather than take commenters on individually, we’ve written up this FAQ. It gives real answers to the often ridiculous “questions” posed to us here. We’ve also banned hateful commenters and deleted conversations. They are archived, don’t worry. Here’s the list of comments we respond to here. It may grow as needed. (2019 update:...
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In support of the Chicago Dyke March, and against pausing our work on racism & state violence.

In the attacks on the organizers of the Chicago Dyke March, NYC Queers Against Israeli Apartheid see a panicked attempt to shut down the growing queer movement against Zionism and Israeli apartheid. To do it, they switch hats in the middle of the conversation. A Wider Bridge (“Building LGBTQ Connections With Israel”) and other Zionist activists bring political Zionist messages into a queer space, and when queers object, they say they’re being targeted as Jews. They’re not. A Wider Bridge has made these claims of...
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NYC Pride/Resistance 2017: photos!

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Looking for us?

Our blog isn't being updated regularly, although we sometimes post here. Please find us on Facebook at Or email us: Than...
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Letter in support of #cancelpinkwashing: to 'Creating Change' and The Task Force

January 20, 2016 NYC QAIA stands with those LGBT community members challenging the pinkwashing of Israeli occupation and apartheid by A Wider Bridge at the Creating Change 2016 conference in Chicago, as expressed in the #cancelpinkwashing statement. A Wider Bridge's mission is to 'pinkwash' the Israeli occupation of Palestine and generate support for Israel within the LGBT community in the United States. It serves as a front organization for the Israeli government and the Israel lobby that supports it. AWB is trying...
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"When gay rights trample racial justice: Why the NYC Council should cancel its Israel junket"

QAIA's op-ed is in Mondoweiss today, just a week before NYC Councilmembers take off on their junket to Israel -- placing the Israel lobby clearly above their constituents. Lots of speculation about why they're doing it, and about how much they're squirming. This is by far not the first such junket to Israel, but it's the first time New Yorkers have really organized to say: WTF?? It won't be so easy for electeds to say yes to the JCRC next time around. ---- (Read the story on to...
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