In case you have not yet heard, there is an important effort to have the Park Slope Food Coop join the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Even if you are not a member of the Food Coop you can help!
Below is some background on what's happening. Here are two things you can do:
1) Queers Against Israeli Apartheid has signed up for one slot of leafletting at the Food Coop, as have many other groups around the city. If you can join us for an hour or two this coming Sunday, March 18th at...
"Equality Forum" pinkwashing defended in seriously racist gay article

Israeli Ambassador Michael OrenEquality Forum's keynote speaker
Drape this guy in rainbows, and he's
still a straight, war-mongering, racist
politician telling queers what to think.
The Equality Forum, an annual symposium (organized by a Log Cabin Republican and sporting a website with pictures only of white people), is making Israel its featured nation this year. In addition to being an pretty foul, deliberately-timed act of pinkwashing, the whole thing is creepily fetishy about Israelis....
Hanging out the pinkwashing: word is on the street.

It took a while, but after 5 years of Israeli PR targeted at LGBT tourists, queers are finally succeeding in blowing the lid off the Israeli government's pinkwashing campaign. Just as pro-Israel/pro-Apartheid newspapers are full of claims (like this one) that queers should adore Israel and despise Palestinians, LGBT newspapers are increasingly full of calls to refuse the hate bait. Here are this week's bits:
Calling Israel to task - Philadelphia Gay News (About the Equality Forum's plan to highlight Israel as...
Heidi Boghosian (National Lawyers Guild) speaks @ "Occupy the Center!"
Remarks by Heidi Boghosian, Executive Director, National Lawyers Guild
LGBT Center Protest, March 3, 2012
I’m not supposed to be here today!
The National Lawyers Guild Legal Observers are not supposed to be here today!
We usually fight the oppressors who squelch free speech.
This is the first Occupy event that I’ve addressed, and I had to come today because I am a part of this community.
As the legal arm to many social movements for 75 years, the National Lawyers Guild watched the growth of the LGBT Center with...
QAIA intro to "Occupy the LGBT Center!"
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Mic check!! Queers Against Israeli Apartheid is here to Occupy the LGBT Center, to protest the Center's exclusion of queers from our own community space.
We see the barricades outside, we see the cops! They are shamefully policing queers who are challenging the Center's racist exclusion. They are shamefully policing queers who challenge pinkwashing of Israeli apartheid. Shamefully policing queers who challenge anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bigots.
For the last year, the Center's director and board have shut...
Pix from Occupy the LGBT Center!
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View QAIA's whole album here.
More pix here, from Maqsum.
View the whole album her...
Video, articles & speak-outs from "Occupy the Center!"
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#Occupy The NYC LGBT Community Center for Queer Palestinians (Siegebusters Ban)
Occupy the Center M3: "There is a Check Point Around this Center! Check this."
Gay City News: Protest Hits Ongoing Ban on Israeli-Palestinian Debate at NYC LGBT Center
Times of Israel: Anti-Israel protesters return to New York LBGT center
Speak-outs (in chronological order)
Emmaia Gelman - Queers Against Israeli Apartheid
Tara Tabassi & Ana Conor - FIERCE
Heidi Boghosian - National Lawyers Guild
Darnell Moore...
Darnell Moore @ Occupy the Center!
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Photo: Bud Korotzer
Comments from Darnell L. Moore, March 3 @ Occupy the Center!
Darnell Moore (Visiting Scholar, Center for the Study of Gender & Sexuality at NYU) just returned from the US LGBT delegation to Palestine.
During our delegation's visit to Hebron, we stood on a street separated by a 3-4 ft. partition. This barrier was seemingly designed to ensure somehow keep the peace by forcing a form of disconnection between the Israeli settlers and Palestinian people living there. We stood on the...
ROCKED IT: reportback from "Occupy the LGBT Center!"

Yesterday, 150 people occupied the LGBT Center!! Queers Against Israeli Apartheid and 15 other groups* packed the lobby with chants, signs, speak-outs and a banner drop. Check out photos, video and press coverage.
We protested the Center's horrifying indifference to the queers of color, Arab and Muslim queers, and activist queers whose work got us where we are today -- and who are marginalized by the ban on queer human rights organizing in solidarity with Palestinians.
We protested the Center's shameful...
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